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Procedures ensure that our classroom will run smoothly.  They inform students about what kinds of tasks they will be doing each day and when the tasks should be done.  Procedures help students know what to expect and what they should do in different situations.  For example, procedures let students know what they should do when they return to school after being absent.  Below are my classroom procedures.


Social Emotional Standards


3A.4a. Demonstrate personal responsibility in making ethical decisions.


3A.4b. Evaluate how social norms and the expectations of authority influence personal decisions and actions.




If a student is absent, his or her missed work will be put in the folder for that period.  The student is responsible for picking up the work.  If a student has missed a quiz or an exam, the quiz or exam will be placed in the folder for that period.  The student must talk with the teacher to set up a time to take the quiz or test.

Restroom/Drink of Water


The students are expected to use the restroom and get a drink of water before class starts.  If it is an emergency, a student may leave class to use the restroom.  If a student makes a regular habit of needing to use the restroom during class, I will talk to the student and let him or her know that he or she must use the restroom before class from now on.  Students may bring water bottles to class if they would like.

Entering Class


The students are expected to sit down and get out their homework assignment.  The students should check their answers with the answers in the back of the book.  Students may talk to their classmates to see if they got the same answers.  We will begin class by going over the problems that students did not understand.



The students will be completing homework assignments regularly.  Most homework assignments will be graded for completion.  However, some homework assignments will be graded for accuracy.  Late homework will be accepted for students who were absent.  Students who did not have an excuse for late homework will be given only half credit.

Asking Questions


The students are expected to raise their hand if they have a question.  If they are raising their hand and, I have not seen the student, the student can get my attention by calling my name. Students are encouraged to ask questions in class.  The students may come before or after school if they have questions that they forgot to ask in class or if the students need help.

Classroom Materials


The students are expected to come to class prepared.  Students must bring their textbooks, notebooks, calculators, and a pencil.  If students forgot a pencil or their calculator, they may borrow one.  If forgetting class materials becomes a habit, I will meet with the student to talk about what the student can do to make sure to be prepared.



The students are expected to participate in class discussions.  Every person has something to contribute to the class.  The students are also expected to participate in group discussions and group activities.  Each student in the group will need to do their share of the work.  



Leaving Class


Students are expected to remain in their seats until the bell rings.  If class ends early, the students are expected to work on their homework assignment.  The students will not be allowed to pack up their things and stand at the doorway if they are given time to work on their homework assignment in class.



Wagner, K. J. (2005). Routines and procedures for managing your       classroom. Retrieved                     from

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